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Registrant snapshot - 1 October 2020

Registrants by profession and gender

Profession Female Male Unknown Total
Arts therapists 4,045 661 2 4,708
Biomedical scientists 16,409 7,218 4 23,631
Chiropodists / podiatrists 9,390 3,061 13 12,464
Clinical scientists 3,916 2,518 0 6,434
Dietitians 9,378 650 39 10,067
Hearing aid dispensers 1,744 1,474 0 3,218
Operating department practitioners 9,248 5,428 61 14,737
Orthoptists 1,340 164 7 1,511
Occupational therapists 37,807 3,305 11 41,123
Paramedics 12,353 17,869 1 30,223
Physiotherapists 42,948 14,984 2 57,934
Prosthetists / orthotists 592 501 17 1,110
Practitioner psychologists 20,713 4,645 6 25,364
Radiographers 27,275 9,506 4 36,785
Speech and language therapists 16,576 552 0 17,128
Total 213,734 72,536 167 286,437
*Data missing from the records


Registrants by application route

Profession Grandparenting International UK Total
Arts therapists 25 142 4,541 4,708
Biomedical scientists 137 2,742 20,752 23,631
Chiropodists / podiatrists 1,876 190 10,398 12,464
Clinical scientists 402 417 5,615 6,434
Dietitians 0 1,229 8,838 10,067
Hearing aid dispensers 0 122 3,096 3,218
Operating department practitioners 21 88 14,628 14,737
Orthoptists 0 15 1,496 1,511
Occupational therapists 2 2,872 38,249 41,123
Paramedics 129 1,602 28,492 30,223
Physiotherapists 242 8,819 48,873 57,934
Prosthetists / orthotists 0 79 1,031 1,110
Practitioner psychologists 469 1,286 23,609 25,364
Radiographers 1 5,832 30,952 36,785
Speech and language therapists 82 1,055 15,991 17,128
Total 3,386 26,490 256,561 286,437

Annotation statuses

Profession LA POM IP SP
Chiropodists 10,185 6,109 442 509
Dietitians 0 0 0 124
Paramedics 0 0 715 711
Physiotherapists 0 0 1,295 1,403
Radiographers 0 0 130 151
Total 10,185 6,109 2,582 2,898

LA: Local Anaesthesia
POM: Prescription only medicine
IP: Independent Prescribing
SP: Supplementary Prescribing

Home country (UK only)

Profession ENG SCO WAL NI CD Total
Arts therapists 3,848 353 159 90 10       4,460
Biomedical scientists 18,444 2,304 1,272 776 89      22,885
Chiropodists / podiatrists 9,416 1,417 599 545 23      12,000
Clinical scientists 5,116 574 326 140 0       6,156
Dietitians 7,296 1,065 532 444 19       9,356
Hearing aid dispensers 2,719 204 147 62 7       3,139
Operating department practitioners 13,252 512 747 26 37      14,574
Orthoptists 1,233 128 66 67 6       1,500
Occupational therapists 32,382 3,667 2,161 1,624 89      39,923
Paramedics 25,230 2,069 1,681 618 71      29,669
Physiotherapists 45,747 4,542 2,471 2,044 182      54,986
Prosthetists / orthotists 783 191 55 21 0       1,050
Practitioner psychologists 20,611 2,174 1,003 607 62      24,457
Radiographers 28,608 2,663 1,762 1,342 74      34,449
Speech and language therapists 13,758 1,284 749 786 44      16,621
Total 228,443 23,147 13,730 9,192 713    275,225

ENG - England
SCO - Scotland
WAL - Wales
NI - Northern Ireland
CD - Crown dependencies

Registrant data
Page updated on: 06/10/2020