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Our ‘Check the Register’ system will be undergoing essential maintenance on Thursday 23 January 2025, from 7:30 am to 9:00 am. During this time, access may be intermittent. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Promote high quality professional practice

Aim: Enable our professions to meet our standards so they are able to adapt to changes in health and care practice delivery, preventing harm to service users

In 2023–24 we ran a series of consultation workshops and successfully engaged with over 200 stakeholders on our plans to revise the standards of conduct, performance and ethics (SCPEs). 

We also updated our guidance to registrants on the use of social media. The SCPEs set the standards for the behaviours expected of people on the HCPC Register, and the new standards come into effect on 1 September 2024.

In 2024–25, we will support our registrants and other key stakeholders with the  mplementation of the revised SPCEs.

Building on our successful approach to the review of the SCPEs, in 2024–25 we will conduct a review our standards of education and training (SETs).

A critical role we play as a professional healthcare regulator is setting the standards for the education and training of the health and care professionals of the future. This is of particular importance as all four nations of the UK begin to implement their respective workforce plans.

We will undertake extensive pre-consultation engagement to seek views from our stakeholders on the revised SETs, including on areas such as the use of technology,  quality of placements, and sustainability.

In 2024-25 we will further this aim by


Standards of conduct, performance and ethics (SCPEs)

  • Implement the updated standards of conduct performance and ethics, which take effect from September 2024.
  • Promote and support registrants to embed the revised guidance on the use of social media.
  • Update supporting guidance materials relating to the SCPEs.
  • Deliver our Professionalism in Practice programme, which supports registrants and employers to embed and achieve the SCPEs.


Standards of education and training (SETs)

  • Commence a review of the SETs, beginning with a pre-consultation engagement phase to gather stakeholder views, focusing on new and emerging issues such as the use of  technology and AI.
  • Procure and maintain an external partnership for the purposes of providing service user voice in HCPC work (see strategic aim 4) that will inform the SETs review.


English language requirements

  • Following the English language requirements consultation that closed in January 2024 we will:
    • Publish the results of the consultation and final proposals for changes to our English language requirements, for applicants applying to join the HCPC Register via our international route to registration.
    • Implement the new requirements (including any associated system changes) from Autumn 2024.
  • Increased support and partnering with employers to influence the creation of supportive cultures and working environments for registrants.
  • Enhanced responsiveness to health delivery differences across the four UK nations through our expanded Professional Liaison Service.
  • Improved understanding and embedding of our Standards and high quality professional practice among both UK and international registrants through our #myhcpcstandards and joining the UK workforce programmes


Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 05/06/2024