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Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

The ELT has day-to-day responsibility for managing HCPC

Examples of CPD evidence

We ask you to give us evidence which shows that the CPD activities you have written about in the profile have taken place

HCPC blog

Latest articles from the blog

Are you eligible?

Before you apply through the UK route, please make sure that you are eligible

Council appointments

The Council consists of six registrant members, drawn from the professions regulated by HCPC, and six lay members, drawn from a variety of walks of life

Professional bodies for speech and language therapists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

Filling in the UK application form

Guidance for those completing an online UK application to join the Register

Gaining approval

Information about the process for approving your education programme, including threshold levels and relevant proficiency standards.

Regulating ethics and conduct at the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine - 1960 to 2002

A look back at the efforts of the HCPC's previous boards and their conduct committees, to deal with the disciplinary side of regulation, and to map any changes.

Brexit - Information for professionals

Information on the changes to our registration processes from 1 January 2021 and how they might impact the members of HCPC's professions

Webinar: Future rules for the use of in-person, hybrid and remote hearings

In this webinar we will outline why we have taken the decision to allow the continued use of remote and hybrid hearings to complement the use of in-person hearings within the HCPC tribunal service. We will go through the new principles that will determine the type of hearing and respond or capture all questions from those taking part.

HCPC responds to COVID-19 Vaccines Delivery Plan

The UK Government published its COVID-19 Vaccines Delivery Plan on Monday 11th January.

HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for ODPs

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for operating department practitioners across the United Kingdom

Retention rates of first time HCPC international registrants 2013 to 2018

This report examines the retention rate for HCPC registrants who joined our Register via the international registration route.
