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Be honest and trustworthy

As a student you should:

  • make sure that your conduct and behaviour does not damage public trust and confidence in your profession.
  • be aware that conduct outside of your programme may affect whether or not you are allowed to complete your programme or register with us.
  • not claim that you have knowledge, skills, qualifications and experience which you do not.
  • be honest about your role with service users, carers and others.
  • make sure that your personal appearance is appropriate for your practice placement environment.
  • follow your education provider’s or practice placement provider’s policy on attendance.
  • follow your education provider’s policies on ethics when carrying out research.
  • make sure that all attendance, achievement and assessment records are completed accurately and truthfully.
  • reference other people’s work appropriately and not pass it off as your own.
  • provide constructive feedback on the quality of your teaching and learning experience in both the education and practice placement setting.
  • provide, as soon as possible, any important information about your conduct, competence or health to your education provider and practice placement provider.
  • tell your education provider, as soon as possible, if you are cautioned for, or convicted of, any offence.
  • co-operate with any investigation into your conduct or competence.


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What the standard says:

  • Ymddygiad personol a phroffesiynol

    9.1 Rhaid i chi wneud yn siŵr bod eich ymddygiad yn cyfiawnhau ymddiriedaeth a hyder y cyhoedd ynoch chi a’ch proffesiwn.

    9.2 Rhaid i chi fod yn onest am eich profiad, cymwysterau a sgiliau.

    9.3 Rhaid i chi gymryd camau rhesymol i sicrhau bod unrhyw weithgareddau hyrwyddo yr ydych yn ymwneud â nhw yn gywir ac nad ydynt yn debygol o gamarwain.

    9.4 Rhaid i chi ddatgan materion a allai greu gwrthdaro buddiannau a sicrhau nad ydynt yn dylanwadu ar eich barn.

    Gwybodaeth bwysig am eich ymddygiad a'ch cymhwysedd

    9.5 Rhaid i chi ddweud wrthym cyn gynted â phosibl, ac os cewch eich hysbysu, os:
    – eich bod yn derbyn rhybudd gan yr heddlu neu eich bod wedi'ch cyhuddo, neu eich cael yn euog o drosedd;
    – mae sefydliad arall sy'n gyfrifol am reoleiddio proffesiwn iechyd neu ofal cymdeithasol wedi cymryd camau neu wedi dod i gasgliad yn eich erbyn; neu
    – os ydych wedi cael unrhyw gyfyngiad ar eich ymarfer, neu wedi cael eich atal neu eich diswyddo gan gyflogwr, oherwydd pryderon am eich ymddygiad neu gymhwysedd.

    9.6 Rhaid i chi gydweithredu ag unrhyw ymchwiliad i'ch ymddygiad neu gymhwysedd, ymddygiad neu gymhwysedd pobl eraill, neu'r gofal, y driniaeth neu'r gwasanaethau eraill a ddarperir i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth.

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 31/08/2024