Showing 241 to 255 of 1932 results
Standards in practice: how to report concerns about safety
Taking action when you have concerns is an important part of professional practice, but sometimes it’s difficult to know how to raise concerns appropriately.
Measuring professionalism as a multi-dimensional construct - Professionalism and conscientiousness in healthcare professionals (study 2)
This report aims to develop a quantitative approach to assessing professionalism in paramedics, and to revise an existing professionalism scale for use more widely to facilitate learning on professionalism amongst health and care professionals.
Introduction to confidentiality
Confidentiality means protecting personal information, this information might include details of a service user’s lifestyle, family, health or care needs which they want to be kept private
Meet the HCPC, Plymouth
Meet the HCPC (Plymouth) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
Meet the HCPC, Barnsley
Meet the HCPC (Barnsley) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
Meet the HCPC, Hull
Meet the HCPC (Hull) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
The duty of candour
Being open and honest when things go wrong.
The CPD audit process
During each renewal we randomly select 2.5 per cent of each profession and ask them to submit their CPD profile