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Showing 496 to 510 of 798 results

Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims

Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.

Dishonesty – fraud

Case study: An employer raised concerns about an operating department practitioner’s (ODP) conviction of fraud. For this conviction, she was sentenced to 18-months imprisonment and suspended for 24 months.

Failure to conduct a full / accurate assessment

Case study: An employer raised concerns about a psychologist who did not report a service user’s suicidal thoughts to their supervisor or any other professionals. This was despite it happening repeatedly and after recording a case note.

The standards of proficiency for arts therapists

The standards of proficiency that arts therapists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for clinical scientists

The standards of proficiency that clinical scientists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for occupational therapists

The standards of proficiency that occupational therapists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for operating department practitioners

The standards of proficiency that operating department practitioners must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for orthoptists

The standards of proficiency that orthoptists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for paramedics

The standards of proficiency that paramedics must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for physiotherapists

The standards of proficiency that physiotherapists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for prosthetists / orthotists

The standards of proficiency that prosthetists / orthotists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for speech and language therapists

The standards of proficiency that speech and language therapists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

Standards for prescribing

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe

Fitness to practise publications policy

This document sets out the publication policy for fitness to practise proceedings
